Compass School Feng Shui
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The four auspicious directions
Sheng Chi - ‘generating breath / breath of life’ - BEST
fame and success - wealth and prosperity, best for front door - direction of bed headboard
Tien Yi - ‘doctor from heaven’
health - physical and mental fitness
best for ill family members and stove direction
Nien Yen - ‘longevity and relationships’
family - marriage - relationship luck, good master bedroom location
Fu Wei - ‘overall peace, stability and harmony‘
studying - skills - career development
intellect enhancer - motivation – meditation
The four inauspicious directions
Chueh Ming - ‘total loss of descendents’ - WORST
best toilet or bathroom location - do not face, bad for master bedroom or front door
Lui Shar - ‘six killings’
scandal - illness - accidents - missed opportunities
good store room or toilet and bathroom location
Wu Kwei - ‘five ghosts’
loss of income - fire - theft - misunderstandings, do not place stove in this location
Ho Hai - ‘obstacles and mishaps'
loss of money - frustrations, general difficulties - good for store room